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Writer's pictureDru Cox Pearcy

Snack or Full-Course Meal

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God,…” 2 Timothy 2:15a

Self-care, anxiety, empathy, boundaries, negativity, and being overwhelmed with life are a few topics that were shared as concerns from my small group members. I had asked for some topics to guide in my future studies and was not surprised by the responses. Place them all in a basket with a few others that you may think of and give them to God who addresses them in His Word. We may not find the specific issue that has challenged us, but with study we should be able to find a principle and peace from examples in the Bible. Therefore, I propose that we evaluate our intake of spiritual nutrition.

“How do you feed your faith?” I asked. Devotions, books about others’ faith, fellowship with Christian friends, church attendance, and listening to I-Pod programs were some of the responses that I received. All of those are good ways to build your faith in Christ Jesus. It was evident that many believers have a spiritual food source, but we may need to consider the following questions: “Am I getting enough spiritual nourishment to fulfill my needs?” or “Am I eating a snack when I need a full-course meal?”

Part of self-care is healthy eating. As our physical body needs good nutrition daily, so does our spiritual being. Our faith will never be built or maintained if we neglect to feed upon God’s Word. Timothy tells us to study the Word of God. Studying requires more than just reading or listening to His truth. To study, we read, ponder, examine, take into consideration how His words could apply in our own lives. Once we have taken in spiritual nourishment, we can meditate upon it day and night. Maintaining good spiritual health requires a commitment to feeding our faith with a daily intake of at least one full-course meal in His Word. With healthy eating spiritually, we will be able to combat all challenges and maintain good self-care. Build your faith in the Bible and find your peace in knowing that God is enough.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for providing all that I need in Your Word. When I cling to Your Word, I find peace, hope, and answers. Forgive me for snacking at times instead of feasting upon Your Word. Help me to commit more time to study and draw from the Bible all that You have provided for me. Challenges will always be present but help me to approach each one with You as my champion and protector. I love You and choose to please You. In Jesus’ name I pray – Amen.

Note: Quality outweighs quantity when studying the Bible if you can gain understanding and build your faith in Christ Jesus. You may want to journal as you close read each day.

1. What? - Ask what important events happened in the passage today.

2. So what? – Describe how the passage can be useful to you or others spiritually.

3. Now what? – Implement a plan from the lessons learned.

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