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Writer's pictureDru Cox Pearcy

Remember to Pray

God amazes me with His Word and His intentional work in my life. I used the same points with the same passages with two different small groups on Monday and was led by the Spirit to emphasize different parts of the lesson with each group. God touched me and encouraged me by His Word in His wondrous way. The Spirit of God has a way of using the living Word to meet our needs in different ways at different times.


1. Fall is full of colors and nature is God’s gift to us. Christ assures us that He cares for things in nature so we should have no worries about Him taking care of us. (Matthew 6: 25-31)

2. The smallest details of our lives matter to God. He has the hairs of our head numbered. (Matthew 10:30-31)

3. God is watching and listening to us. (1 Peter 3:12a)


1. As professionals we know how to create good lessons for students to learn the standards, but do we pray for our students like Christ prayed for the disciples and us? Remember to pray.

2. Jesus prays for us. (John 17:20) Let’s do the same for our students!

3. To know that my friends pray for me is heartwarming, but to know that Christ is interceding for me is overwhelming. (Romans 8:26,27.34)

a. When I don’t know what to pray, the Spirit intercedes for me. (vs.26)

b. Christ intercedes according to the will of God for me. (vs. 27)

c. At the right hand of the Father, He makes intercession for me. (vs. 34)


Your lack of motivation is disheartening!

What more can I do or say to help you succeed?

I’m going to tell Jesus on you!

Your antics and defiance drive me nuts!

Nothing I say seems to change your behavior.

I’m going to tell Jesus on you!

Your anger and personal attacks are hurtful!

No matter how nice I try to be, you are mean.

I’m going to tell Jesus on you!

Your disengagement and sadness trouble me.

How much more should I know about you?

I’m going to tell Jesus on you!

You are a delight and a blessing to me.

How can I make your school year better?

I’m going to tell Jesus on you!

Prayer is an essential part of our Christian life. As a teacher, remember to pray for each of your students. Call each one by name. God sees, He cares, and He hears us. Pray and pray more.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for praying for me and my fellow teachers. We need You! Often we don't know what to pray or how to pray for our students, but You know, so we trust You to meet each need. When we grow weary, help us to call upon You, the One who sees all and knows all. You have a plan, so as we pray, we lean on You to guide us in Your perfect will. Help us to intercede for our students as You intercede for us. Our hope is in You, our Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name - Amen.

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