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Writer's pictureDru Cox Pearcy

If It's Not Good, God's not Done

“…And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

When chatting with my six-year-old grandson, he repeated the statement, “And it was good.” It was out of context of what we had been talking about, so I asked him what he was saying. “You know, Grandma. God created everything and each day ‘it was good.’”

It was good! Adon went on to say that when Adam and Eve were created that God said, “It was very good!” It was precious to hear Adon share his understanding with enthusiasm after reading his Bible story book.

One of my dear friends shared in our small group that she has found courage and comfort in the statement, “If it’s not good, God’s not done.” Knowing it was not a direct quotation from the Bible, we discussed how it relates to God’s work in the Bible. I immediately thought of that brief interaction with my grandson. When God spoke and things came into being each day, at the end of that day God saw that it was good. Then someone quoted, a favorite verse of many Christians, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28 is a familiar verse that in my opinion loses its power when it’s used as a cliché. We mustn’t overlook the context of that scripture. According to verses 26-27, when our infirmities and trials are significant and words fail to express our heart’s deepest thoughts and fears, the Spirit of God becomes our Intercessor and prays God’s perfect will upon our lives. The good comes when we continue to seek Him, and the Spirit of God guides and brings to pass the goodness of God. Just as we see in the story of Joseph! He was hated and sold by his brothers into slavery. He was falsely accused and unfairly sent to prison. Although it appeared that God had abandoned Joseph, he eventually ended up second in command to Pharaoh as part of God’s plan to preserve the Israelites, Joseph’s father, and brothers. When Joseph, the great leader of Egypt, addressed his brothers in Genesis 50:20 he said, “…ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, …to save much people alive.” (emphasis on good added) The Lord was with Joseph all the time though enslaved and imprisoned unjustly. Joseph’s life was not good until God completed his plan for him and his family.

Chaos may prevail in our lives, tribulations may be continuous, a cloud of darkness may prevent us from seeing or feeling God’s presence. However, our hope comes by knowing that the Lord is ever present, all-knowing, and has a plan that is yet to be fulfilled. What we perceive as good and what God sees as good, may be two different things. As a matter of fact, amid our trials, it is difficult to believe that there is any good that can come from them. By faith, we are empowered to believe God’s Word and know that something is for good whether we see it or not. God saw that His creation was good, so it is all about His perspective and His purpose for all of creation, especially mankind. God created us for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11) and continues to mold us to be like Him. Circumstances of life can be quite overwhelming, but it is essential that we yield to God’s purpose for our lives. Even if things are bleak, there is hope that God’s good for our lives will win out. When God creates, molds, or has His hand in a situation, the finished product is good! In fact, it is very good!

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Philippians 1:6

Dear Heavenly Father,

There are so many around me that have great need. Life doesn’t appear to be good right now. Thank You for providing hope and never leaving us. You are Sovereign, and I trust in Your plan for each life, especially my own. Forgive me when I lose sight of You and Your goodness. I trust that whatever the outcome of each circumstance that Your good will be accomplished as You fulfill Your perfect will in my life and those that I love. I choose You and surrender all to You this day. In Jesus’ name – Amen.

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