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Writer's pictureDru Cox Pearcy

A Prayer for All

We were challenged by a missionary this past Sunday to pray for each other by using Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3. I created this prayer to parallel that passage:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to grant _________ all the resources that she/he needs today according to your glory and for your honor. Please, give him/her strength by your power and might expressly by the Holy Spirit touching him/her to the innermost. May ___________ be assured that your Son dwells in his/her heart by having faith in what you have done for him/her. Help _______ to be rooted and grounded in heavenly love. May he/she be able to truly comprehend the breadth, length, depth, and height of your capabilities to meet his/her every need. Provide ____ with experiences that portray the absolute love of Christ Jesus which surpasses all other. Flood his/her heart and soul with the fullness of God and His goodness. Remind him/her that you are able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that she/he asks or even thinks because of the power of Christ that works in and through him/her as a believer. I thank you for being the God that you are and trust you on __________’s behalf today. Be honored and glorified.

In Christ’s precious name,


In essence this prayer of faith is seeking;

  • resources to meet each need for the glory of God

  • strength from the Holy Spirit that has touched the inner man (spirit & soul)

  • assurance of salvation the dwells in the heart by faith in Christ Jesus

  • love that is rooted and grounded (secure & true)

  • the understanding of how powerful God really is (all dimensions)

  • a heart and soul that is saturated with God and His goodness

  • the Creator God who answers above and beyond what is asked or thought of

*Sometimes I don’t know how to pray and this prayer says it all. It focuses on the Savior and not on the problem or need. God is able!

Biblical reference: Ephesians 3:16-21

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