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Writer's pictureDru Cox Pearcy

A Daily Dose

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.”

Psalm 68:19

Most patients go to a doctor for answers and often expect to receive medications to remedy their ailments. I remember a specific visit that I had with my specialist. He told me that everything was functioning as expected so I shouldn’t be concerned. He sat back on his desk, and then asked me if I wanted medication. I was shocked. I doubted his words of my condition and asked him if I was okay, “Yes, you are okay but most of my patients want medication,” he responded candidly. He was just revealing the truth about most patients.

On another visit years ago, after my examination, the doctor asked me about the kids and family. I told her that it was an adjustment to have some of the kids going off to college. Immediately she wanted to know if I would like her to prescribe something for anxiety. I told her that that wasn’t necessary. All of us face normal emotional ups and downs with transitions of life. Some may need medication, but I propose that we take a daily dose of God’s promises and benefits. The Great Physician knows just what each one of us needs and provides enough to sustain us.

Just as daily doses of medication are taken for better health, a daily dose of God, our Salvation, should be consumed. Knowing Christ Jesus as our Savior is the first dose of spiritual intervention followed by daily doses of the Word which come with potent benefits. We learn from examples provided in the Bible and experience personally God as our Rescuer, our Deliverer, our Reviver, and Redeemer. His forgiveness is refreshing and removes all guilt. Because I know I am forgiven, I remind Satan, the accuser of the brethren, of my freedom from sin in Christ Jesus. God provides healing and rescues my life from disaster. When I feel weak, I am strong because of Him. I receive God’s lovingkindness and tender mercies, even though I don’t deserve them. His Word satisfies my soul with the provision of His goodness and my spiritual energy is renewed to new heights of glory. Because God is righteous and just, He knows my heart is to please Him, and He lifts me up out of bondage of oppression.

Anxiety, self-condemnation, disappointment, physical sickness, depression, oppression, and many other ailments can hamper our lives. Doctors will do what they can to help you but many times without success. The medication that works for you may not work for me or vice versa. Our Great Physician knows what we have need of more than anyone so a daily dose of His prescribed Word will be of great benefit to all who receive it. Clinging to His promises and praising Him for His benefits is just what the Doctor ordered. After all, God is enough!

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” Psalm 103:2

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the blessing of doctors. Bless them for taking good care of me and many others. Thank You for being my Great Physician and for Your many benefits and promises. Forgive me for not grasping ahold of Your Word more quickly and in time of need. I choose to daily draw from Your Word and allow peace that passes understanding to rule in my heart and mind. I love You and choose to please You in all things. In Jesus’ name I pray – Amen.

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